Web application created to improve the gliders purchase process by allowing customers to configure the cockpit online.
After logging in, the user builds his set in fixed steps, moving the instruments using the "drag & drop" method. The system, analyzing their position and dimensions on the fly, checks whether the device can be installed at the desired location. The user has the constant insight into the cost of the created configuration. He can save a project draft at any time, returning to it later.
The decision to submit the final choice to the manufacturer starts the verification process, during which the moderators, if necessary, have the option of applying corrections with comments. Feedback goes back to the client's approval. The implemented hint system helps to make the right decisions at every stage of the process. The application is also equipped with a module of e-mail notifications informing interested parties about the changes of order statuses.
Client testimonials
"Lemonade team is one of the most talented, creative and extremely well-coordinated teams I have had the honor to work with! Cooperating with Them is pure pleasure - problems exist only to solve them immediately (pure abstraction). The highest level of devotion to the case: an innovative concept, consistency in implementation, excellent work organization. I bow my head!"
Ewa Peszke / Brand Manager